Banja Luka: Tel.: +38766900385 | Business Hours Monday - Friday 08-20h Saturday 08-13h | E-mail: |



Our diagnostic scale is based on BIA technology (Bio Impedance Analysis – measurement of bioelectric impedance). Standing on the scale, the subject makes contact with electrodes which send safe, non-invasive electrical signals through his/her body. Passing through the body, the signals encounter different tissues, and thus different resistances (adipose tissue provides greater resistance than water and muscle), and based on this we obtain data on the distribution of adipose tissue and muscle mass within the body.
In addition to data on the percentage of fat and muscle mass, we also use this method to learn the metabolic age of the body, the proportion of water in the body, the value of daily basal metabolism, as well as the value of daily calorie intake.
Body composition analysis is an unavoidable step in sports-medical testing, both in the preparation stage and in monitoring the progress of athletes. Also, body composition analysis is recommended for persons who just wish to enter the training process, so that we can make a comparison before/after and evaluate individual progress, which is usually an excellent source of motivation.


Our diagnostic scale is based on BIA technology (Bio Impedance Analysis – measurement of bioelectric impedance). Standing on the scale, the subject makes contact with electrodes which send safe, non-invasive electrical signals through his/her body. Passing through the body, the signals encounter different tissues, and thus different resistances (adipose tissue provides greater resistance than water and muscle), and based on this we obtain data on the distribution of adipose tissue and muscle mass within the body.
In addition to data on the percentage of fat and muscle mass, we also use this method to learn the metabolic age of the body, the proportion of water in the body, the value of daily basal metabolism, as well as the value of daily calorie intake.
Body composition analysis is an unavoidable step in sports-medical testing, both in the preparation stage and in monitoring the progress of athletes. Also, body composition analysis is recommended for persons who just wish to enter the training process, so that we can make a comparison before/after and evaluate individual progress, which is usually an excellent source of motivation.


Good posture while standing, walking or sitting is important for each individual, and this is achieved when all body parts are balanced with each other in each body position, as well as during all activities.
The changes in the feet statics and improper load may be associated with pain in the lower legs, thighs, hips and parts of the spine.
At our clinic we use the software to determine the functional anatomy (footprint), along with the production of standard and individual insoles (custom made insoles) according to the latest CAD/CAM method, in cooperation with our German partners. Based on the obtained parameters, we educate patients about the prevention and treatment of foot deformities.


SpineScan je aparat koji nam omogućava kompjutersko određivanje anatomske zakrivljenosti kičme (lordoza, kifoza) kao i deformiteta kičme (skolioza, hiperkifoza). Ovim aparatom vršimo mjerenje pokretljivosti svih segmenata kičme (savijanje, opružanje, rotacija), te određivanje balansa tijela.
The examination takes 10 minutes, it is painless and radiation-free. We use the obtained results for recommendations for the diagnostics and treatment of spinal diseases, as well as to create an exercise program for the correction of spinal deformities and incorrect posture.


SpineScan je aparat koji nam omogućava kompjutersko određivanje anatomske zakrivljenosti kičme (lordoza, kifoza) kao i deformiteta kičme (skolioza, hiperkifoza). Ovim aparatom vršimo mjerenje pokretljivosti svih segmenata kičme (savijanje, opružanje, rotacija), te određivanje balansa tijela.
The examination takes 10 minutes, it is painless and radiation-free. We use the obtained results for recommendations for the diagnostics and treatment of spinal diseases, as well as to create an exercise program for the correction of spinal deformities and incorrect posture.


Spiroergometric testing with measurement of blood lactate

Kardiopulmonalni ili spiroergometrijski test (cardiopulmonary exercise test – CPET) predstavlja test fizičkim opterećenjem uz istovremeno praćenje hemodinamskih, elektrokardiografskih i ventilatornih parametara. Predstavlja zlatni standard u procjeni ukupnog funkcionalnog kapaciteta ispitivane osobe, te omogućava uvid u zdravstveno i trenutno stanje organizma. Spiroergometija se primjenjuje u sportskoj medicini, za kontrolu rekreativnih aktivnosti i fitnesa, dobijanje uvida u trenutno stanje subjekta, planiranje sportskih priprema kako rekreativaca, tako i vrhunskih sportista, te za evidenciju napretka i potrebnu adaptaciju treninga. U kliničkoj medicini, spiroergometrija se primjenjuje kod kardiovaskularnih, pulmoloških i endokrinoloških oboljenja kao i kod doziranja intenziteta opterećenja tokom rehabilitacije.
Spiroergometrijski test je unaprijeđen u odnosu na klasičan ergometrijski test time što podrazumijeva i mjerenje razmjene gasova, čime je omogućeno određivanje funkcionalnih kardiovaskularnih, disajnih i metaboličkih parametara, a time i ukupnog aerobnog kapaciteta organizma, radne i ventilatorne efikasnosti. Ovaj test, putem analize razmjene respiratornih gasova u svakom pojedinom udahu u miru i tokom opterećenja, omogućava dobijanje podataka o plućnoj ventilaciji, potrošnji kiseonika (O2), stvaranju ugljendioksida (CO2), frekvenciji srca (HR), maksimalnoj potrošnji kiseonika (VO2max), metabolizmu mišića, aerobnim i anaerobnim kapacitetima, ventilatornoj ekonomičnosti (VE/VO2 & FeO2), brzini kretanja (km/h), radnoj snazi (Watt), te drugim parametrima. Spiroergometrijsko testiranje praćeno mjerenjem laktata i glukoze u krvi provodi se na uređajima Cosmed i Biosen, te dodatno omogućava uvid u metabolizam mišića u mirovanju sve do maksimalnog opterećenja (sposobnosti organizma da oksidira masti i ugljene hidrate), kao i uvid u prehrambene navike subjekta. Kod testiranja ispitanik na licu ima masku, a spojen je na 12-kanalni EKG pri čemu se radi progresivan test opterećenja. Testiranje traje do 60 minuta.

Spiroergometry with lactate measurement includes:
• Measurement of height, weight as well as the proportion and distribution of body fat,
• Determination of hydration levels through urine,
• ECG at rest,
• ECG and spirometry on a bicycle, treadmill or rowing ergometer,
• Taking blood samples at certain intervals and measuring blood lactate and glucose levels.

When spiroergometry should not be performed?
The testing is too risky and should not be performed for some diseases. The existing contradictions which prohibit spiroergometry include:
• recent heart attack
• untreated or newly developed cardiac arrhythmias,
• Inflammation of the heart (endo-, myo- or pericarditis),
• Occlusion of pulmonary blood vessels (pulmonary embolism).

Kako se pripremiti?
• Do not eat at least 3 hours before testing,
• Do not engage in any physical activity for at least 24 hours before the examination,
• On the testing day, do not consume coffee, alcohol and (if used) supplementation,
• Take a shower and rub the chest skin well (shave as needed) to reduce skin resistance where the ECG electrodes stick,
• Bring sports equipment and sneakers,
• Takođe, svim našim klijentima preporučujemo da urade analizu krvi prije dolaska na pregled , koja podrazumijeva kompletnu krvnu sliku, sedimentaciju, gvožđe, ureu, kreatinin, lipidni status (Hol, HDL, LDL, Tg).


Bip test, poznat i kao PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run), beep ili bleep test, relativno je jednostavno testiranje aerobne izdržljivosti pojedinca, odnosno pokazuje nam njegov VO2 max. Bip test nam pokazuje trenutno stanje ispitanika, a aerobna izdržljivost je nešto što se da unaprijediti vježbom.


Bip test, poznat i kao PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run), beep ili bleep test, relativno je jednostavno testiranje aerobne izdržljivosti pojedinca, odnosno pokazuje nam njegov VO2 max. Bip test nam pokazuje trenutno stanje ispitanika, a aerobna izdržljivost je nešto što se da unaprijediti vježbom.


Myotest je pionir u analizi I interpretaciji biomehaničkih mjerenja. Ovu tehnologiju danas svakodnevno koriste milioni ljudi širom svijeta. Posvećeni smo tome da pomognemo sportistima svih nivoa da iskoriste moć biomehanike, da poboljšaju svoje performanse, dostignu svoje ciljeve I izbjegnu povrede. Koristeći Myotest dobijamo podatke o karakteristikama skoka. Analizom vrijednosti snage, visine, brzine I sile skoka, stičemo uvid u spremnost svakog sportiste.


Myotest je pionir u analizi I interpretaciji biomehaničkih mjerenja. Ovu tehnologiju danas svakodnevno koriste milioni ljudi širom svijeta. Posvećeni smo tome da pomognemo sportistima svih nivoa da iskoriste moć biomehanike, da poboljšaju svoje performanse, dostignu svoje ciljeve I izbjegnu povrede. Koristeći Myotest dobijamo podatke o karakteristikama skoka. Analizom vrijednosti snage, visine, brzine I sile skoka, stičemo uvid u spremnost svakog sportiste.



Muscle strength is the main factor which determines movement, so the accurate measurement is crucial for gaining insight into the condition of the injury, as well as to determine adequate treatment therapy. The BioFET muscle dynamometer is a device that provides methodological data.
BioFET assesses skeletal muscle function by using isometric measurements of muscle strength. These are some of the fields in which it is applied:
- Physiotherapy for children, adults and senior citizens
- Rehabilitation therapy
- Sports (monitoring progress in the treatment of injuries)
- Orthopedics
- Exercise physiology
- Rheumatology (measuring the consequences and development of rheumatism in joints)
- Occupational therapy

Activebody Activ5

Ručni izometrični fitnes uređaj Activbody Activ5 povećava snagu i izdržljivost mišića. Ovaj visokotehnološki pribor za vježbanje podiže izometriju na novi nivo, nudi personalizovano treniranje i praćenje napretka kroz sopstveni softver. Activ5 prilagođava vježbe nivou snage korisnika, kako bi se brže postizali rezultati.
Isometric exercises are associated with an increase in muscle mass, strength of the upper and lower body, and an increase in bone density.
Scientific evidence suggests that isometry, as part of a healthy lifestyle, can help lower blood pressure.

Y Balance Test

The Y Balance Test is used to measure dynamic equilibrium. This test requires the subject to balance on one leg while simultaneously reaching the other leg in three separate directions: anterior, posterolateral and posteromedial. Therefore, this test measures the strength, stability and balance of an athlete in different directions. Balance, also known as "postural control", can be statically defined as the ability to maintain the base of the support with minimal movement, and dynamically as the ability to perform a task while maintaining a stable position. In a chaotic sports environment, the ability to maintain a stable position is vital not only for the successful application of skills, but also for reducing the likelihood of injury.

Y Balance Test

The Y Balance Test is used to measure dynamic equilibrium. This test requires the subject to balance on one leg while simultaneously reaching the other leg in three separate directions: anterior, posterolateral and posteromedial. Therefore, this test measures the strength, stability and balance of an athlete in different directions. Balance, also known as "postural control", can be statically defined as the ability to maintain the base of the support with minimal movement, and dynamically as the ability to perform a task while maintaining a stable position. In a chaotic sports environment, the ability to maintain a stable position is vital not only for the successful application of skills, but also for reducing the likelihood of injury.


Ultrazvuk se danas koristi u skoro svim granama medicine za detekciju raznih vrsta povreda i oboljenja. Ultrazvuk omogućuje veoma preciznu, bezbjednu dijagnostiku mišićnoskeletnih oboljenja. Primjena ultrazvuka u dijagnostičke svrhe se zasniva na njegovoj osobini da se odbija od granične površine između dvije sredine sa različitim akustičnim otporom (između kostiju i mekih tkiva, kosti i tkiva, itd.). U ultrazvučnoj dijagnostici koristi se impulsni ultrazvuk, frekvencije od 2 do 8 MHz i intenziteta od 2 do 6 MW/cm2.
Ultrasound diagnostics allows for a detailed examination:
• Muscle ruptures (tears)
• Tendons and ligaments
• Hematoma and fibrosis in muscles
• Bursitis
• Tendinitis
• Myositis
• Synovitis
• Razvojni poremećaj zgloba kod beba


Osmocheck is a digital refractometer calibrated in mOsmol/kg H20 and is essential for athletes, as well as for individuals who wish to monitor performance during workouts. Only a few drops of urine are required for an instant reading.
Strenuous exercise in a state of dehydration does not lead to top performance and may be dangerous, so Osmocheck allows the determination of accurate values in the body in order to obtain information about the next steps in workouts. In case of high values, the subject should be immediately hydrated and stop further exercise until rehydration.


Ortopedska sportska ambulanta „Orthosport“
Address: Kralja Alfonsa XIII 49a
78000 Banja Luka
Phone: +38766900385



Monday - Friday 08-19h
Saturday 08-13h



© 2022 Ortopedska sportska ambulanta „Orthosport“

Website created by Hajrudin Muhic.