The vision of the founder of this practice, Aleksandar Jakovljević, MD PhD, was achieved in the project Orthosport - a combination of youth and decades of experience in the treatment of sick and injured patients, as well as the treatment of athletes, by using state-of-the-art equipment and procedures.
A unique institution of this kind in the region has been growing and developing since 2010, to the satisfaction of patients who trust us.
Maximum commitment of professional and friendly staff, along with affordable prices of services, are the basis of continuous successful business. A particular focus of our interest is working with athletes - sports testing, preparation and recovery after sports competitions, treatment of injuries or pain caused by overexertion syndrome.
Recreationists, professional athletes, as well as winners of world and European medals have been treated and recovered in our premises. Some of them dedicated their medals to us
Skillful and professional top physiotherapists, led by a team of world-renowned doctors, lead our patients to recovery and healing through therapeutic protocols.
The examinations and treatments are performed in a pleasant environment at scheduled times.
The vision of the founder of this practice, Aleksandar Jakovljević, MD PhD, was achieved in the project Orthosport - a combination of youth and decades of experience in the treatment of sick and injured patients, as well as the treatment of athletes, by using state-of-the-art equipment and procedures.
Jedinstvena ustanova ovog tipa u regionu, raste i razvija se od 2010.godine, na zadovoljstvo pacijenata koji nam vjeruju.
Maksimalna posvećenost stručnog i ljubaznog osoblja, uz pristupačne cijene usluga, baza su kontinuiranog uspješnog poslovanja. Poseban fokus našeg interesa je rad sa sportistima.
Sportska testiranja, pripreme i oporavak nakon sportskih takmičenja, tretman povreda ili bolova izazvanih sindromom prenaprezanja.
U našim prostorijama su se liječili i oporavljali rekreativci, profesionalni sportisti, kao i osvajači svjetskih i evropskih medalja. Neki od njih su svoje medalje posvetili nama. Spretni i stručni vrhunski fizioterapeuti vođeni timom svjetski priznatih ljekara, kroz terapijske protokole vode naše pacijente do oporavka i ozdravljenja.
The examinations and treatments are performed in a pleasant environment at scheduled times.